Source code for errbot.core_plugins.webserver

import sys
import os
from json import loads
from random import randrange
from webtest import TestApp

from errbot import botcmd, BotPlugin, webhook
from errbot.core_plugins.wsview import bottle_app
from rocket import Rocket

from urllib.request import unquote

    from OpenSSL import crypto
    has_crypto = True
except ImportError:
    has_crypto = False

TEST_REPORT = """*** Test Report
URL : %s
Detected your post as : %s
Status code : %i

[docs]def make_ssl_certificate(key_path, cert_path): """ Generate a self-signed certificate The generated key will be written out to key_path, with the corresponding certificate itself being written to cert_path. :param cert_path: path where to write the certificate. :param key_path: path where to write the key. """ cert = crypto.X509() cert.set_serial_number(randrange(1, sys.maxsize)) cert.gmtime_adj_notBefore(0) cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(60 * 60 * 24 * 365) subject = cert.get_subject() subject.CN = '*' subject.O = 'Self-Signed Certificate for Err' issuer = cert.get_issuer() issuer.CN = 'Self-proclaimed Authority' issuer.O = 'Self-Signed' pkey = crypto.PKey() pkey.generate_key(crypto.TYPE_RSA, 4096) cert.set_pubkey(pkey) cert.sign(pkey, 'sha256') f = open(cert_path, 'w') f.write(crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert).decode('utf-8')) f.close() f = open(key_path, 'w') f.write(crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, pkey).decode('utf-8')) f.close()
[docs]class Webserver(BotPlugin):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.webserver = None self.webchat_mode = False self.ssl_context = None self.test_app = TestApp(bottle_app) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_configuration_template(self): return {'HOST': '', 'PORT': 3141, 'SSL': {'enabled': False, 'host': '', 'port': 3142, 'certificate': "", 'key': ""}}
[docs] def check_configuration(self, configuration): # it is a pain, just assume a default config if SSL is absent or set to None if configuration.get('SSL', None) is None: configuration['SSL'] = {'enabled': False, 'host': '', 'port': 3142, 'certificate': "", 'key': ""} super().check_configuration(configuration)
[docs] def activate(self): if not self.config:'Webserver is not configured. Forbid activation') return host = self.config['HOST'] port = self.config['PORT'] ssl = self.config['SSL'] interfaces = [(host, port)] if ssl['enabled']: # noinspection PyTypeChecker interfaces.append((ssl['host'], ssl['port'], ssl['key'], ssl['certificate']))'Firing up the Rocket') self.webserver = Rocket(interfaces=interfaces, app_info={'wsgi_app': bottle_app}, ) self.webserver.start(background=True) self.log.debug('Liftoff!') super().activate()
[docs] def deactivate(self): if self.webserver is not None: self.log.debug('Sending signal to stop the webserver') self.webserver.stop() super().deactivate()
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] @botcmd(template='webstatus') def webstatus(self, msg, args): """ Gives a quick status of what is mapped in the internal webserver """ return {'rules': (((route.rule, for route in bottle_app.routes))}
[docs] @webhook def echo(self, incoming_request): """ A simple test webhook """ self.log.debug("Your incoming request is :" + str(incoming_request)) return str(incoming_request)
[docs] @botcmd(split_args_with=' ') def webhook_test(self, _, args): """ Test your webhooks from within err. The syntax is : !webhook test [relative_url] [post content] It triggers the notification and generate also a little test report. """ url = args[0] content = ' '.join(args[1:]) # try to guess the content-type of what has been passed try: # try if it is plain json loads(content) contenttype = 'application/json' except ValueError: # try if it is a form splitted = content.split('=') # noinspection PyBroadException try: payload = '='.join(splitted[1:]) loads(unquote(payload)) contenttype = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' except Exception as _: contenttype = 'text/plain' # dunno what it is self.log.debug('Detected your post as : %s' % contenttype) response =, params=content, content_type=contenttype) return TEST_REPORT % (url, contenttype, response.status_code)
[docs] @botcmd(admin_only=True) def generate_certificate(self, _, args): """ Generate a self-signed SSL certificate for the Webserver """ if not has_crypto: yield ("It looks like pyOpenSSL isn't installed. Please install this " "package using for example `pip install pyOpenSSL`, then try again") return yield ("Generating a new private key and certificate. This could take a " "while if your system is slow or low on entropy") key_path = os.sep.join((self.bot_config.BOT_DATA_DIR, "webserver_key.pem")) cert_path = os.sep.join((self.bot_config.BOT_DATA_DIR, "webserver_certificate.pem")) make_ssl_certificate(key_path=key_path, cert_path=cert_path) yield "Certificate successfully generated and saved in {}".format(self.bot_config.BOT_DATA_DIR) suggested_config = self.config suggested_config['SSL']['enabled'] = True suggested_config['SSL']['host'] = suggested_config['HOST'] suggested_config['SSL']['port'] = suggested_config['PORT'] + 1 suggested_config['SSL']['key'] = key_path suggested_config['SSL']['certificate'] = cert_path yield ("To enable SSL with this certificate, the following config " "is recommended:") yield "{!r}".format(suggested_config)