Source code for errbot.logs
import inspect
import logging
import sys
[docs]def ispydevd():
for frame in inspect.stack():
if frame[1].endswith(""):
return True
return False
root_logger = logging.getLogger()
logging.getLogger('yapsy').setLevel(logging.INFO) # this one is way too verbose in debug
logging.getLogger('Rocket.Errors.ThreadPool').setLevel(logging.INFO) # this one is way too verbose in debug
pydev = ispydevd()
stream = sys.stdout if pydev else sys.stderr
isatty = pydev or stream.isatty() # force isatty if we are under pydev because it supports coloring anyway.
console_hdlr = logging.StreamHandler(stream)
[docs]def get_log_colors(theme_color=None):
"""Return a tuple containing the log format string and a log color dict"""
if theme_color == 'light':
text_color_theme = 'white'
elif theme_color == 'dark':
text_color_theme = 'black'
else: # Anything else produces nocolor
return (
"%(name)-25.25s%(reset)s %(message)s%(reset)s",
'DEBUG': '',
'INFO': '',
'WARNING': '',
'ERROR': '',
return (
"%(name)-25.25s%(reset)s %({})s%(message)s%(reset)s".format(text_color_theme),
'DEBUG': 'cyan',
'INFO': 'green',
'WARNING': 'yellow',
'ERROR': 'red',
'CRITICAL': 'red',