Flow development ================ Flows are a feature in Errbot to enable plugin designers to chain several plugin commands together in a "conversation". For example, imagine interacting with a bot that needs more that one command, like setting up a poll in a chatroom:: User: !poll new Where do we go for lunch ? Bot: Flow poll_setup started, you can continue with: !poll newoption User: !poll newoption Greek Bot: Option added, current options: - Greek Bot: You can continue with: !poll newoption !poll start User: !poll newoption French Bot: Option added, current options: - Greek - French Bot: You can continue with: !poll newoption !poll start User: !poll start [...] In this guide we will explain the underlying concepts and basics of writing flows. Prerequesite: you need to be familiar with the normal errbot plugin development. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :numbered: concepts basics advanced