errbot.core_plugins.textcmds module

class errbot.core_plugins.textcmds.TextModeCmds(bot, name=None)[source]

Bases: errbot.botplugin.BotPlugin

Internal to TextBackend.


Triggered on plugin activation.

Override this method if you want to do something at initialization phase (don’t forget to super().activate()).

asadmin(msg, _)[source]

This puts you in a 1-1 chat with the bot.

asuser(msg, args)[source]

This puts you in a room with the bot. You can specify a name otherwise it will default to ‘luser’.


Triggered on plugin deactivation.

Override this method if you want to do something at tear-down phase (don’t forget to super().deactivate()).

inperson(msg, _)[source]

This puts you in a 1-1 chat with the bot.

inroom(msg, _)[source]

This puts you in a room with the bot.

ml(msg, _)[source]

Switch back and forth between normal mode and multiline mode. Use this if you want to test commands spanning multiple lines. Note: in multiline, press enter twice to end and send the message.