Source code for errbot.core_plugins.vcheck

from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
import threading
import sys

import requests

from errbot import BotPlugin
from errbot.utils import version2tuple
from errbot.version import VERSION

HOME = ''

installed_version = version2tuple(VERSION)

PY_VERSION = '.'.join(str(e) for e in sys.version_info[:3])

[docs]class VersionChecker(BotPlugin): connected = False activated = False
[docs] def activate(self): if self.mode not in ('null', 'test', 'Dummy', 'text'): # skip in all test confs. self.activated = True self.version_check() # once at startup anyway self.start_poller(3600 * 24, self.version_check) # once every 24H super().activate() else:'Skip version checking under %s mode.', self.mode)
[docs] def deactivate(self): self.activated = False super().deactivate()
def _async_vcheck(self): # noinspection PyBroadException try: current_version_txt = requests.get(HOME, params={'errbot': VERSION, 'python': PY_VERSION}).text.strip() self.log.debug("Tested current Errbot version and it is " + current_version_txt) current_version = version2tuple(current_version_txt) if installed_version < current_version: self.log.debug('A new version %s has been found, notify the admins!', current_version) self.warn_admins(f'Version {current_version_txt} of Errbot is available. ' f'{current_version_txt}. ' f'To disable this check do: {self._bot.prefix}plugin blacklist VersionChecker') except (HTTPError, URLError):'Could not establish connection to retrieve latest version.')
[docs] def version_check(self): if not self.activated: self.log.debug('Version check disabled') return self.log.debug('Checking version in background.') threading.Thread(target=self._async_vcheck).start()
[docs] def callback_connect(self): if not self.connected: self.connected = True