Source code for errbot.backends.slack_rtm

from time import sleep

import copyreg
import json
import logging
import re
import sys
import pprint
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import BinaryIO

from markdown import Markdown
from markdown.extensions.extra import ExtraExtension
from markdown.preprocessors import Preprocessor

from errbot.backends.base import Identifier, Message, Presence, ONLINE, AWAY, Room, RoomError, RoomDoesNotExistError, \
    UserDoesNotExistError, RoomOccupant, Person, Card, Stream
from errbot.core import ErrBot
from errbot.utils import split_string_after
from errbot.rendering.ansiext import AnsiExtension, enable_format, IMTEXT_CHRS

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from slack import RTMClient
    from slack import WebClient
    from slack.errors import BotUserAccessError
except ImportError:
    log.exception("Could not start the SlackRTM backend")
        "You need to install slackclient in order to use the Slack backend.\n"
        "You can do `pip install errbot[slack-rtm]` to install it."

# The Slack client automatically turns a channel name into a clickable
# link if you prefix it with a #. Other clients receive this link as a
# token matching this regex.
SLACK_CLIENT_CHANNEL_HYPERLINK = re.compile(r'^<#(?P<id>([CG])[0-9A-Z]+)>$')

# Empirically determined message size limit.

    "Connected to Slack using a bot account, which cannot manage "
    "channels itself (you must invite the bot to channels instead, "
    "it will auto-accept) nor invite people.\n\n"
    "If you need this functionality, you will have to create a "
    "regular user account and connect Errbot using that account. "
    "For this, you will also need to generate a user token at "

    'red': '#FF0000',
    'green': '#008000',
    'yellow': '#FFA500',
    'blue': '#0000FF',
    'white': '#FFFFFF',
    'cyan': '#00FFFF'
}  # Slack doesn't know its colors

MARKDOWN_LINK_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?<!!)\[(?P<text>[^\]]+?)\]\((?P<uri>[a-zA-Z0-9]+?:\S+?)\)')

[docs]def slack_markdown_converter(compact_output=False): """ This is a Markdown converter for use with Slack. """ enable_format('imtext', IMTEXT_CHRS, borders=not compact_output) md = Markdown(output_format='imtext', extensions=[ExtraExtension(), AnsiExtension()]) md.preprocessors['LinkPreProcessor'] = LinkPreProcessor(md) md.stripTopLevelTags = False return md
[docs]class LinkPreProcessor(Preprocessor): """ This preprocessor converts markdown URL notation into Slack URL notation as described at, section "Linking to URLs". """
[docs] def run(self, lines): for i, line in enumerate(lines): lines[i] = MARKDOWN_LINK_REGEX.sub(r'&lt;\2|\1&gt;', line) return lines
[docs]class SlackAPIResponseError(RuntimeError): """Slack API returned a non-OK response"""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, error='', **kwargs): """ :param error: The 'error' key from the API response data """ self.error = error super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class SlackPerson(Person): """ This class describes a person on Slack's network. """
[docs] def __init__(self, webclient: WebClient, userid=None, channelid=None): if userid is not None and userid[0] not in ('U', 'B', 'W'): raise Exception(f'This is not a Slack user or bot id: {userid} (should start with U, B or W)') if channelid is not None and channelid[0] not in ('D', 'C', 'G'): raise Exception(f'This is not a valid Slack channelid: {channelid} (should start with D, C or G)') self._userid = userid self._channelid = channelid self._webclient = webclient self._username = None # cache self._fullname = None self._channelname = None
@property def userid(self): return self._userid @property def username(self): """Convert a Slack user ID to their user name""" if self._username: return self._username user = self._webclient.users_info(user=self._userid)['user'] if user is None: log.error('Cannot find user with ID %s', self._userid) return f'<{self._userid}>' if not self._username: self._username = user['name'] return self._username @property def channelid(self): return self._channelid @property def channelname(self): """Convert a Slack channel ID to its channel name""" if self._channelid is None: return None if self._channelname: return self._channelname channel = [channel for channel in self._webclient.channels_list() if channel['id'] == self._channelid][0] if channel is None: raise RoomDoesNotExistError(f'No channel with ID {self._channelid} exists.') if not self._channelname: self._channelname = channel['name'] return self._channelname @property def domain(self): raise NotImplemented() # Compatibility with the generic API. client = channelid nick = username # Override for ACLs @property def aclattr(self): # Note: Don't use str(self) here because that will return # an incorrect format from SlackMUCOccupant. return f'@{self.username}' @property def fullname(self): """Convert a Slack user ID to their full name""" if self._fullname: return self._fullname user = self._webclient.users_info(user=self._userid)['user'] if user is None: log.error('Cannot find user with ID %s', self._userid) return f'<{self._userid}>' if not self._fullname: self._fullname = user['real_name'] return self._fullname def __unicode__(self): return f'@{self.username}' def __str__(self): return self.__unicode__() def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, SlackPerson): log.warning('tried to compare a SlackPerson with a %s', type(other)) return False return other.userid == self.userid def __hash__(self): return self.userid.__hash__() @property def person(self): # Don't use str(self) here because we want SlackRoomOccupant # to return just our @username too. return f'@{self.username}'
[docs]class SlackRoomOccupant(RoomOccupant, SlackPerson): """ This class represents a person inside a MUC. """
[docs] def __init__(self, webclient: WebClient, userid, channelid, bot): super().__init__(webclient, userid, channelid) self._room = SlackRoom(channelid=channelid, bot=bot)
@property def room(self): return self._room def __unicode__(self): return f'#{}/{self.username}' def __str__(self): return self.__unicode__() def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, SlackRoomOccupant): log.warning('tried to compare a SlackRoomOccupant with a SlackPerson %s vs %s', self, other) return False return == and other.userid == self.userid
[docs]class SlackBot(SlackPerson): """ This class describes a bot on Slack's network. """
[docs] def __init__(self, webclient: WebClient, bot_id, bot_username): self._bot_id = bot_id self._bot_username = bot_username super().__init__(webclient, userid=bot_id)
@property def username(self): return self._bot_username # Beware of gotcha. Without this, nick would point to username of SlackPerson. nick = username @property def aclattr(self): # Make ACLs match against integration ID rather than human-readable # nicknames to avoid webhooks impersonating other people. return f'<{self._bot_id}>' @property def fullname(self): return None
[docs]class SlackRoomBot(RoomOccupant, SlackBot): """ This class represents a bot inside a MUC. """
[docs] def __init__(self, sc, bot_id, bot_username, channelid, bot): super().__init__(sc, bot_id, bot_username) self._room = SlackRoom(channelid=channelid, bot=bot)
@property def room(self): return self._room def __unicode__(self): return f'#{}/{self.username}' def __str__(self): return self.__unicode__() def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, SlackRoomOccupant): log.warning('tried to compare a SlackRoomBotOccupant with a SlackPerson %s vs %s', self, other) return False return == and other.userid == self.userid
[docs]class SlackRTMBackend(ErrBot): @staticmethod def _unpickle_identifier(identifier_str): return SlackRTMBackend.__build_identifier(identifier_str) @staticmethod def _pickle_identifier(identifier): return SlackRTMBackend._unpickle_identifier, (str(identifier),) def _register_identifiers_pickling(self): """ Register identifiers pickling. As Slack needs live objects in its identifiers, we need to override their pickling behavior. But for the unpickling to work we need to use bot.build_identifier, hence the bot parameter here. But then we also need bot for the unpickling so we save it here at module level. """ SlackRTMBackend.__build_identifier = self.build_identifier for cls in (SlackPerson, SlackRoomOccupant, SlackRoom): copyreg.pickle(cls, SlackRTMBackend._pickle_identifier, SlackRTMBackend._unpickle_identifier)
[docs] def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) identity = config.BOT_IDENTITY self.token = identity.get('token', None) self.proxies = identity.get('proxies', None) if not self.token: log.fatal( 'You need to set your token (found under "Bot Integration" on Slack) in ' 'the BOT_IDENTITY setting in your configuration. Without this token I ' 'cannot connect to Slack.' ) sys.exit(1) = None # Will be initialized in serve_once self.webclient = None self.bot_identifier = None compact = config.COMPACT_OUTPUT if hasattr(config, 'COMPACT_OUTPUT') else False = slack_markdown_converter(compact) self._register_identifiers_pickling()
[docs] def update_alternate_prefixes(self): """Converts BOT_ALT_PREFIXES to use the slack ID instead of name Slack only acknowledges direct callouts `@username` in chat if referred by using the ID of that user. """ # convert BOT_ALT_PREFIXES to a list try: bot_prefixes = self.bot_config.BOT_ALT_PREFIXES.split(',') except AttributeError: bot_prefixes = list(self.bot_config.BOT_ALT_PREFIXES) converted_prefixes = [] for prefix in bot_prefixes: try: converted_prefixes.append(f'<@{self.username_to_userid(self.webclient, prefix)}>') except Exception as e: log.error('Failed to look up Slack userid for alternate prefix "%s": %s', prefix, e) self.bot_alt_prefixes = tuple(x.lower() for x in self.bot_config.BOT_ALT_PREFIXES) log.debug('Converted bot_alt_prefixes: %s', self.bot_config.BOT_ALT_PREFIXES)
def _setup_slack_callbacks(self): @RTMClient.run_on(event='message') def serve_messages(**payload): self._message_event_handler(payload['web_client'], payload['data']) @RTMClient.run_on(event='member_joined_channel') def serve_joins(**payload): self._member_joined_channel_event_handler(payload['web_client'], payload['data']) @RTMClient.run_on(event='hello') def serve_hellos(**payload): self._hello_event_handler(payload['web_client'], payload['data']) @RTMClient.run_on(event='presence_change') def serve_presences(**payload): self._presence_change_event_handler(payload['web_client'], payload['data'])
[docs] def serve_forever(self): = RTMClient(token=self.token, proxy=self.proxies) @RTMClient.run_on(event='open') def get_bot_identity(**payload): self.bot_identifier = SlackPerson(payload['web_client'], payload['data']['self']['id']) # only hook up the message callback once we have our identity set. self._setup_slack_callbacks() #'Verifying authentication token') # self.auth = self.api_call("auth.test", raise_errors=False) # if not self.auth['ok']: # raise SlackAPIResponseError(error=f"Couldn't authenticate with Slack. Server said: {self.auth['error']}") # log.debug("Token accepted")"Connecting to Slack real-time-messaging API") # Inject bot identity to alternative prefixes self.update_alternate_prefixes() try: while True: sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt:"Interrupt received, shutting down..") return True except Exception: log.exception("Error reading from RTM stream:") finally: log.debug("Triggering disconnect callback") self.disconnect_callback()
def _hello_event_handler(self, webclient: WebClient, event): """Event handler for the 'hello' event""" self.webclient = webclient self.connect_callback() self.callback_presence(Presence(identifier=self.bot_identifier, status=ONLINE)) def _presence_change_event_handler(self, webclient: WebClient, event): """Event handler for the 'presence_change' event""" idd = SlackPerson(webclient, event['user']) presence = event['presence'] # According to, presence can # only be one of 'active' and 'away' if presence == 'active': status = ONLINE elif presence == 'away': status = AWAY else: log.error(f'It appears the Slack API changed, I received an unknown presence type {presence}.') status = ONLINE self.callback_presence(Presence(identifier=idd, status=status)) def _message_event_handler(self, webclient: WebClient, event): """Event handler for the 'message' event""" channel = event['channel'] if channel[0] not in 'CGD': log.warning("Unknown message type! Unable to handle %s", channel) return subtype = event.get('subtype', None) if subtype in ("message_deleted", "channel_topic", "message_replied"): log.debug("Message of type %s, ignoring this event", subtype) return if subtype == "message_changed" and 'attachments' in event['message']: # If you paste a link into Slack, it does a call-out to grab details # from it so it can display this in the chatroom. These show up as # message_changed events with an 'attachments' key in the embedded # message. We should completely ignore these events otherwise we # could end up processing bot commands twice (user issues a command # containing a link, it gets processed, then Slack triggers the # message_changed event and we end up processing it again as a new # message. This is not what we want). log.debug( "Ignoring message_changed event with attachments, likely caused " "by Slack auto-expanding a link" ) return text = event['text'] text, mentioned = self.process_mentions(text) text = self.sanitize_uris(text) log.debug('Saw an event: %s', pprint.pformat(event)) log.debug('Escaped IDs event text: %s', text) msg = Message( text, extras={ 'attachments': event.get('attachments'), 'slack_event': event, }, ) if channel.startswith('D'): if subtype == "bot_message": msg.frm = SlackBot( webclient, bot_id=event.get('bot_id'), bot_username=event.get('username', '') ) else: msg.frm = SlackPerson(webclient, event['user'], event['channel']) = SlackPerson(webclient, self.bot_identifier.userid, event['channel']) channel_link_name = event['channel'] else: if subtype == "bot_message": msg.frm = SlackRoomBot( webclient, bot_id=event.get('bot_id'), bot_username=event.get('username', ''), channelid=event['channel'], bot=self ) else: msg.frm = SlackRoomOccupant(webclient, event['user'], event['channel'], bot=self) = SlackRoom(channelid=event['channel'], bot=self) channel_link_name = # TODO: port to slackclient2 # msg.extras['url'] = f'https://{}' \ # f'{channel_link_name}/p{self._ts_for_message(msg).replace(".", "")}' self.callback_message(msg) if mentioned: self.callback_mention(msg, mentioned) def _member_joined_channel_event_handler(self, webclient: WebClient, event): """Event handler for the 'member_joined_channel' event""" user = SlackPerson(self.webclient, event['user']) if user == self.bot_identifier: self.callback_room_joined(SlackRoom(channelid=event['channel'], bot=self))
[docs] @staticmethod def userid_to_username(webclient: WebClient, id_: str): """Convert a Slack user ID to their user name""" user = webclient.users_info(user=id_)['user'] if user is None: raise UserDoesNotExistError(f'Cannot find user with ID {id_}.') return user['name']
[docs] @staticmethod def username_to_userid(webclient: WebClient, name: str): """Convert a Slack user name to their user ID""" name = name.lstrip('@') user = [user for user in webclient.users_list()['users'] if user['name'] == name] if user is None: raise UserDoesNotExistError(f'Cannot find user {name}.') return user['id']
[docs] def channelid_to_channelname(self, webclient: WebClient, id_: str): """Convert a Slack channel ID to its channel name""" channel = webclient.channels_info(channel=id_)['channel'] if channel is None: raise RoomDoesNotExistError(f'No channel with ID {id_} exists.') return channel['name']
[docs] def channelname_to_channelid(self, webclient: WebClient, name: str): """Convert a Slack channel name to its channel ID""" name = name.lstrip('#') channel = [channel for channel in self.webclient.channels_list() if == name] if not channel: raise RoomDoesNotExistError(f'No channel named {name} exists') return channel[0].id
[docs] def channels(self, exclude_archived=True, joined_only=False): """ Get all channels and groups and return information about them. :param exclude_archived: Exclude archived channels/groups :param joined_only: Filter out channels the bot hasn't joined :returns: A list of channel ( and group ( types. See also: * * """ response = self.webclient.channels_list(exclude_archived=exclude_archived) channels = [channel for channel in response['channels'] if channel['is_member'] or not joined_only] response = self.webclient.groups_list(exclude_archived=exclude_archived) # No need to filter for 'is_member' in this next call (it doesn't # (even exist) because leaving a group means you have to get invited # back again by somebody else. groups = [group for group in response['groups']] return channels + groups
[docs] @lru_cache(1024) def get_im_channel(self, id_): """Open a direct message channel to a user""" try: response = self.webclient.im_open(user=id_) return response['channel']['id'] except SlackAPIResponseError as e: if e.error == "cannot_dm_bot":'Tried to DM a bot.') return None else: raise e
def _prepare_message(self, msg): # or card """ Translates the common part of messaging for Slack. :param msg: the message you want to extract the Slack concept from. :return: a tuple to user human readable, the channel id """ if msg.is_group: to_channel_id = to_humanreadable = if else self.channelid_to_channelname(to_channel_id) else: to_humanreadable = to_channel_id = if to_channel_id.startswith('C'): log.debug("This is a divert to private message, sending it directly to the user.") to_channel_id = self.get_im_channel(self.username_to_userid( return to_humanreadable, to_channel_id
[docs] def send_message(self, msg): super().send_message(msg) if msg.parent is not None: # we are asked to reply to a specify thread. try: msg.extras['thread_ts'] = self._ts_for_message(msg.parent) except KeyError: # Gives to the user a more interesting explanation if we cannot find a ts from the parent. log.exception('The provided parent message is not a Slack message ' 'or does not contain a Slack timestamp.') to_humanreadable = "<unknown>" try: if msg.is_group: to_channel_id = to_humanreadable = if else self.channelid_to_channelname(to_channel_id) else: to_humanreadable = if isinstance(, RoomOccupant): # private to a room occupant -> this is a divert to private ! log.debug("This is a divert to private message, sending it directly to the user.") to_channel_id = self.get_im_channel(self.username_to_userid( else: to_channel_id = msgtype = "direct" if msg.is_direct else "channel" log.debug('Sending %s message to %s (%s).', msgtype, to_humanreadable, to_channel_id) body = log.debug('Message size: %d.', len(body)) limit = min(self.bot_config.MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT, SLACK_MESSAGE_LIMIT) parts = self.prepare_message_body(body, limit) timestamps = [] for part in parts: data = { 'channel': to_channel_id, 'text': part, 'unfurl_media': 'true', 'link_names': '1', 'as_user': 'true', } # Keep the thread_ts to answer to the same thread. if 'thread_ts' in msg.extras: data['thread_ts'] = msg.extras['thread_ts'] result = self.webclient.chat_postMessage(**data) timestamps.append(result['ts']) msg.extras['ts'] = timestamps except Exception: log.exception(f'An exception occurred while trying to send the following message ' f'to {to_humanreadable}: {msg.body}.')
def _slack_upload(self, stream: Stream) -> None: """ Performs an upload defined in a stream :param stream: Stream object :return: None """ try: stream.accept() resp = self.webclient.files_upload(channels=stream.identifier.channelid,, file=stream) if 'ok' in resp and resp['ok']: stream.success() else: stream.error() except Exception: log.exception(f'Upload of {} to {stream.identifier.channelname} failed.')
[docs] def send_stream_request(self, user: Identifier, fsource: BinaryIO, name: str = None, size: int = None, stream_type: str = None) -> Stream: """ Starts a file transfer. For Slack, the size and stream_type are unsupported :param user: is the identifier of the person you want to send it to. :param fsource: is a file object you want to send. :param name: is an optional filename for it. :param size: not supported in Slack backend :param stream_type: not supported in Slack backend :return Stream: object on which you can monitor the progress of it. """ stream = Stream(user, fsource, name, size, stream_type) log.debug('Requesting upload of %s to %s (size hint: %d, stream type: %s).', name, user.channelname, size, stream_type) self.thread_pool.apply_async(self._slack_upload, (stream,)) return stream
[docs] def send_card(self, card: Card): if isinstance(, RoomOccupant): = to_humanreadable, to_channel_id = self._prepare_message(card) attachment = {} if card.summary: attachment['pretext'] = card.summary if card.title: attachment['title'] = card.title if attachment['title_link'] = if card.image: attachment['image_url'] = card.image if card.thumbnail: attachment['thumb_url'] = card.thumbnail if card.color: attachment['color'] = COLORS[card.color] if card.color in COLORS else card.color if card.fields: attachment['fields'] = [{'title': key, 'value': value, 'short': True} for key, value in card.fields] limit = min(self.bot_config.MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT, SLACK_MESSAGE_LIMIT) parts = self.prepare_message_body(card.body, limit) part_count = len(parts) footer = attachment.get('footer', '') for i in range(part_count): if part_count > 1: attachment['footer'] = f'{footer} [{i + 1}/{part_count}]' attachment['text'] = parts[i] data = { 'channel': to_channel_id, 'attachments': json.dumps([attachment]), 'link_names': '1', 'as_user': 'true' } try: log.debug('Sending data:\n%s', data) self.webclient.chat_postMessage(**data) except Exception: log.exception(f'An exception occurred while trying to send a card to {to_humanreadable}.[{card}]')
def __hash__(self): return 0 # this is a singleton anyway
[docs] def change_presence(self, status: str = ONLINE, message: str = '') -> None: self.webclient.users_setPresence(presence='auto' if status == ONLINE else 'away')
[docs] @staticmethod def prepare_message_body(body, size_limit): """ Returns the parts of a message chunked and ready for sending. This is a staticmethod for easier testing. Args: body (str) size_limit (int): chunk the body into sizes capped at this maximum Returns: [str] """ fixed_format = body.startswith('```') # hack to fix the formatting parts = list(split_string_after(body, size_limit)) if len(parts) == 1: # If we've got an open fixed block, close it out if parts[0].count('```') % 2 != 0: parts[0] += '\n```\n' else: for i, part in enumerate(parts): starts_with_code = part.startswith('```') # If we're continuing a fixed block from the last part if fixed_format and not starts_with_code: parts[i] = '```\n' + part # If we've got an open fixed block, close it out if part.count('```') % 2 != 0: parts[i] += '\n```\n' return parts
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_identifiers_from_string(text): """ Parse a string for Slack user/channel IDs. Supports strings with the following formats:: <#C12345> <@U12345> <@U12345|user> @user #channel/user #channel Returns the tuple (username, userid, channelname, channelid). Some elements may come back as None. """ exception_message = ( 'Unparseable slack identifier, should be of the format `<#C12345>`, `<@U12345>`, ' '`<@U12345|user>`, `@user`, `#channel/user` or `#channel`. (Got `%s`)' ) text = text.strip() if text == '': raise ValueError(exception_message % '') channelname = None username = None channelid = None userid = None if text[0] == '<' and text[-1] == '>': exception_message = 'Unparseable slack ID, should start with U, B, C, G, D or W (got `%s`)' text = text[2:-1] if text == '': raise ValueError(exception_message % '') if text[0] in ('U', 'B', 'W'): if '|' in text: userid, username = text.split('|') else: userid = text elif text[0] in ('C', 'G', 'D'): channelid = text else: raise ValueError(exception_message % text) elif text[0] == '@': username = text[1:] elif text[0] == '#': plainrep = text[1:] if '/' in text: channelname, username = plainrep.split('/', 1) else: channelname = plainrep else: raise ValueError(exception_message % text) return username, userid, channelname, channelid
[docs] def build_identifier(self, txtrep): """ Build a :class:`SlackIdentifier` from the given string txtrep. Supports strings with the formats accepted by :func:`~extract_identifiers_from_string`. """ log.debug('building an identifier from %s.', txtrep) username, userid, channelname, channelid = self.extract_identifiers_from_string(txtrep) if userid is None and username is not None: userid = self.username_to_userid(username) if channelid is None and channelname is not None: channelid = self.channelname_to_channelid(channelname) if userid is not None and channelid is not None: return SlackRoomOccupant(self.webclient, userid, channelid, bot=self) if userid is not None: return SlackPerson(self.webclient, userid, self.get_im_channel(userid)) if channelid is not None: return SlackRoom(channelid=channelid, bot=self) raise Exception( "You found a bug. I expected at least one of userid, channelid, username or channelname " "to be resolved but none of them were. This shouldn't happen so, please file a bug." )
[docs] def is_from_self(self, msg: Message) -> bool: return self.bot_identifier.userid == msg.frm.userid
[docs] def build_reply(self, msg, text=None, private=False, threaded=False): response = self.build_message(text) if 'thread_ts' in msg.extras['slack_event']: # If we reply to a threaded message, keep it in the thread. response.extras['thread_ts'] = msg.extras['slack_event']['thread_ts'] elif threaded: # otherwise check if we should start a new thread response.parent = msg response.frm = self.bot_identifier if private: = msg.frm else: = if isinstance(msg.frm, RoomOccupant) else msg.frm return response
[docs] def add_reaction(self, msg: Message, reaction: str) -> None: """ Add the specified reaction to the Message if you haven't already. :param msg: A Message. :param reaction: A str giving an emoji, without colons before and after. :raises: ValueError if the emoji doesn't exist. """ return self._react('reactions.add', msg, reaction)
[docs] def remove_reaction(self, msg: Message, reaction: str) -> None: """ Remove the specified reaction from the Message if it is currently there. :param msg: A Message. :param reaction: A str giving an emoji, without colons before and after. :raises: ValueError if the emoji doesn't exist. """ return self._react('reactions.remove', msg, reaction)
def _react(self, method: str, msg: Message, reaction: str) -> None: try: # this logic is from send_message if msg.is_group: to_channel_id = else: to_channel_id = ts = self._ts_for_message(msg) self.api_call(method, data={'channel': to_channel_id, 'timestamp': ts, 'name': reaction}) except SlackAPIResponseError as e: if e.error == 'invalid_name': raise ValueError(e.error, 'No such emoji', reaction) elif e.error in ('no_reaction', 'already_reacted'): # This is common if a message was edited after you reacted to it, and you reacted to it again. # Chances are you don't care about this. If you do, call api_call() directly. pass else: raise SlackAPIResponseError(error=e.error) def _ts_for_message(self, msg): try: return msg.extras['slack_event']['message']['ts'] except KeyError: return msg.extras['slack_event']['ts']
[docs] def shutdown(self): super().shutdown()
@property def mode(self): return 'slack'
[docs] def query_room(self, room): """ Room can either be a name or a channelid """ if room.startswith('C') or room.startswith('G'): return SlackRoom(channelid=room, bot=self) m = SLACK_CLIENT_CHANNEL_HYPERLINK.match(room) if m is not None: return SlackRoom(channelid=m.groupdict()['id'], bot=self) return SlackRoom(name=room, bot=self)
[docs] def rooms(self): """ Return a list of rooms the bot is currently in. :returns: A list of :class:`~SlackRoom` instances. """ channels = self.channels(joined_only=True, exclude_archived=True) return [SlackRoom(channelid=channel['id'], bot=self) for channel in channels]
[docs] def prefix_groupchat_reply(self, message, identifier): super().prefix_groupchat_reply(message, identifier) message.body = f'@{identifier.nick}: {message.body}'
[docs] @staticmethod def sanitize_uris(text): """ Sanitizes URI's present within a slack message. e.g. <|>, <|> <> :returns: string """ text = re.sub(r'<([^|>]+)\|([^|>]+)>', r'\2', text) text = re.sub(r'<(http([^>]+))>', r'\1', text) return text
[docs] def process_mentions(self, text): """ Process mentions in a given string :returns: A formatted string of the original message and a list of :class:`~SlackPerson` instances. """ mentioned = [] m = re.findall('<@[^>]*>*', text) for word in m: try: identifier = self.build_identifier(word) except Exception as e: log.debug("Tried to build an identifier from '%s' but got exception: %s", word, e) continue # We only track mentions of persons. if isinstance(identifier, SlackPerson): log.debug('Someone mentioned') mentioned.append(identifier) text = text.replace(word, str(identifier)) return text, mentioned
[docs]class SlackRoom(Room):
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, channelid=None, bot=None): if channelid is not None and name is not None: raise ValueError("channelid and name are mutually exclusive") if name is not None: if name.startswith('#'): self._name = name[1:] else: self._name = name else: self._name = bot.channelid_to_channelname(channelid) self._id = None self._bot = bot
def __str__(self): return f'#{}' @property def channelname(self): return self._name @property def _channel(self): """ The channel object exposed by SlackClient """ id_ = if id_ is None: raise RoomDoesNotExistError(f"{str(self)} does not exist (or is a private group you don't have access to)") return id_ @property def _channel_info(self): """ Channel info as returned by the Slack API. See also: * * """ if self.private: return self._bot.webclient.groups_info(["group"] else: return self._bot.webclient.channels_info(["channel"] @property def private(self): """Return True if the room is a private group""" return'G') @property def id(self): """Return the ID of this room""" if self._id is None: self._id = return self._id channelid = id @property def name(self): """Return the name of this room""" return self._name
[docs] def join(self, username=None, password=None):"Joining channel %s", str(self)) try: self._bot.webclient.channels_join( except BotUserAccessError as e: raise RoomError(f'Unable to join channel. {USER_IS_BOT_HELPTEXT}')
[docs] def leave(self, reason=None): try: if'C'):'Leaving channel %s (%s)', self, self._bot.webclient.channels_leave( else:'Leaving group %s (%s)', self, self._bot.webclient.groups_leave( except SlackAPIResponseError as e: if e.error == 'user_is_bot': raise RoomError(f'Unable to leave channel. {USER_IS_BOT_HELPTEXT}') else: raise RoomError(e) self._id = None
[docs] def create(self, private=False): try: if private:'Creating group %s.', self) self._bot.webclient.groups_create( else:'Creating channel %s.', self) self._bot.webclient.channels_create( except SlackAPIResponseError as e: if e.error == 'user_is_bot': raise RoomError(f"Unable to create channel. {USER_IS_BOT_HELPTEXT}") else: raise RoomError(e)
[docs] def destroy(self): try: if'C'):'Archiving channel %s (%s)', self, self._bot.api_call('channels.archive', data={'channel':}) else:'Archiving group %s (%s)', self, self._bot.api_call('groups.archive', data={'channel':}) except SlackAPIResponseError as e: if e.error == 'user_is_bot': raise RoomError(f'Unable to archive channel. {USER_IS_BOT_HELPTEXT}') else: raise RoomError(e) self._id = None
@property def exists(self): channels = self._bot.channels(joined_only=False, exclude_archived=False) return len([c for c in channels if c['name'] ==]) > 0 @property def joined(self): channels = self._bot.channels(joined_only=True) return len([c for c in channels if c['name'] ==]) > 0 @property def topic(self): if self._channel_info['topic']['value'] == '': return None else: return self._channel_info['topic']['value'] @topic.setter def topic(self, topic): if self.private:'Setting topic of %s (%s) to %s.', self,, topic) self._bot.api_call('groups.setTopic', data={'channel':, 'topic': topic}) else:'Setting topic of %s (%s) to %s.', self,, topic) self._bot.api_call('channels.setTopic', data={'channel':, 'topic': topic}) @property def purpose(self): if self._channel_info['purpose']['value'] == '': return None else: return self._channel_info['purpose']['value'] @purpose.setter def purpose(self, purpose): if self.private:'Setting purpose of %s (%s) to %s.', self,, purpose) self._bot.api_call('groups.setPurpose', data={'channel':, 'purpose': purpose}) else:'Setting purpose of %s (%s) to %s.', str(self),, purpose) self._bot.api_call('channels.setPurpose', data={'channel':, 'purpose': purpose}) @property def occupants(self): members = self._channel_info['members'] return [SlackRoomOccupant(, m,, self._bot) for m in members]
[docs] def invite(self, *args): users = {user['name']: user['id'] for user in self._bot.api_call('users.list')['members']} for user in args: if user not in users: raise UserDoesNotExistError(f'User "{user}" not found.')'Inviting %s into %s (%s)', user, self, method = 'groups.invite' if self.private else 'channels.invite' response = self._bot.api_call( method, data={'channel':, 'user': users[user]}, raise_errors=False ) if not response['ok']: if response['error'] == 'user_is_bot': raise RoomError(f'Unable to invite people. {USER_IS_BOT_HELPTEXT}') elif response['error'] != 'already_in_channel': raise SlackAPIResponseError(error=f'Slack API call to {method} failed: {response["error"]}.')
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, SlackRoom): return False return ==