Source code for errbot.core_plugins.flows

import io
import json

from errbot import BotPlugin, botcmd, arg_botcmd
from errbot.flow import FlowNode, FlowRoot, Flow, FLOW_END
from errbot.core_plugins.acls import glob, get_acl_usr

[docs]class Flows(BotPlugin): """ Management commands related to flows / conversations. """
[docs] def recurse_node(self, response: io.StringIO, stack, f: FlowNode, flow: Flow = None): if f in stack: response.write(f'{"&emsp;&nbsp;" * (len(stack))}↺<br>') return if isinstance(f, FlowRoot): doc = f.description if flow else '' response.write('Flow [' + + '] ' + doc + ' <br>') if flow and flow.current_step == f: response.write(f'↪&nbsp;&nbsp;Start (_{flow.requestor}_)<br>') else: cmd = 'END' if f is FLOW_END else self._bot.all_commands[f.command] requestor = f'(_{str(flow.requestor)}_)' if flow and flow.current_step == f else '' doc = cmd.__doc__ if flow and f is not FLOW_END else '' response.write(f'{"&emsp;&nbsp;" * len(stack)}' f'↪&nbsp;&nbsp;**{f if f is not FLOW_END else "END"}** {doc if doc else ""} {requestor}<br>') for _, sf in f.children: self.recurse_node(response, stack + [f], sf, flow)
[docs] @botcmd(syntax='<name>') def flows_show(self, _, args): """ Shows the structure of a flow. """ if not args: return 'You need to specify a flow name.' with io.StringIO() as response: flow_node = self._bot.flow_executor.flow_roots.get(args, None) if flow_node is None: return f"Flow {args} doesn't exist." self.recurse_node(response, [], flow_node) return response.getvalue()
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] @botcmd def flows_list(self, msg, args): """ Displays the list of setup flows. """ with io.StringIO() as response: for name, flow_node in self._bot.flow_executor.flow_roots.items(): if flow_node.description: response.write("- **" + name + "** " + flow_node.description + "\n") else: response.write("- **" + name + "** " + "No description" + "\n") return response.getvalue()
[docs] @botcmd(split_args_with=' ', syntax='<name> [initial_payload]') def flows_start(self, msg, args): """ Manually start a flow within the context of the calling user. You can prefeed the flow data with a json payload. Example: !flows start poll_setup {"title":"yeah!","options":["foo","bar","baz"]} """ if not args: return 'You need to specify a flow to manually start' context = {} flow_name = args[0] if len(args) > 1: json_payload = ' '.join(args[1:]) try: context = json.loads(json_payload) except Exception as e: return f'Cannot parse json {json_payload}: {e}.' self._bot.flow_executor.start_flow(flow_name, msg.frm, context) return f'Flow **{flow_name}** started ...'
[docs] @botcmd() def flows_status(self, msg, args): """ Displays the list of started flows. """ with io.StringIO() as response: if not self._bot.flow_executor.in_flight: response.write('No Flow started.\n') else: if not [flow for flow in self._bot.flow_executor.in_flight if self.check_user(msg, flow)]: response.write(f'No Flow started for current user: {get_acl_usr(msg)}.\n') else: if args: for flow in self._bot.flow_executor.in_flight: if self.check_user(msg, flow): if == args: self.recurse_node(response, [], flow.root, flow) else: for flow in self._bot.flow_executor.in_flight: if self.check_user(msg, flow): next_steps = [f'\\*{str(step[1].command)}\\*' for step in flow._current_step.children if step[1].command] next_steps_str = '\n'.join(next_steps) text = f'\\>>> {str(flow.requestor)} is using flow \\*{}\\* on step ' \ f'\\*{flow.current_step}\\*\nNext Step(s): \n{next_steps_str}' response.write(text) return response.getvalue()
[docs] @botcmd(syntax='[flow_name]') def flows_stop(self, msg, args): """ Stop flows you are in. optionally, stop a specific flow you are in. """ if args: flow = self._bot.flow_executor.stop_flow(args, msg.frm) if flow: yield + ' stopped.' return yield 'Flow not found.' return one_stopped = False for flow in self._bot.flow_executor.in_flight: if flow.requestor == msg.frm: flow = self._bot.flow_executor.stop_flow(, msg.frm) if flow: one_stopped = True yield + ' stopped.' if not one_stopped: yield 'No Flow found.'
[docs] @arg_botcmd('flow_name', type=str) @arg_botcmd('user', type=str) def flows_kill(self, _, user, flow_name): """ Admin command to kill a specific flow.""" flow = self._bot.flow_executor.stop_flow(flow_name, self.build_identifier(user)) if flow: return + ' killed.' return 'Flow not found.'
[docs] def check_user(self, msg, flow): """Checks to make sure that either the user started the flow, or is a bot admin """ if glob(get_acl_usr(msg), self.bot_config.BOT_ADMINS): return True elif glob(get_acl_usr(msg), flow.requestor.person): return True return False