Source code for errbot.utils

import collections
import fnmatch
import inspect
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import time
from functools import wraps
from platform import system
from typing import List

from dulwich import porcelain

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ON_WINDOWS = system() == "Windows"

PLUGINS_SUBDIR = "plugins"

# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]class deprecated: """deprecated decorator. emits a warning on a call on an old method and call the new method anyway"""
[docs] def __init__(self, new=None): = new
def __call__(self, old): @wraps(old) def wrapper(*args, **kwds): frame = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe().f_back) msg = f"{frame.filename}: {frame.lineno}: " if len(args): pref = ( type(args[0]).__name__ + "." ) # TODO might break for individual methods else: pref = "" msg += f"call to the deprecated {pref}{old.__name__}" if is not None: if type( is property: msg += ( f"... use the property {pref}{} instead" ) else: msg += f"... use {pref}{} instead" msg += "." logging.warning(msg) if if type( is property: return*args, **kwds) return*args, **kwds) return old(*args, **kwds) wrapper.__name__ = old.__name__ wrapper.__doc__ = old.__doc__ wrapper.__dict__.update(old.__dict__) return wrapper
[docs]def format_timedelta(timedelta): total_seconds = timedelta.seconds + (86400 * timedelta.days) hours, remainder = divmod(total_seconds, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) if hours == 0 and minutes == 0: return f"{seconds:d} seconds" elif not hours: return f"{minutes:d} minutes" elif not minutes: return f"{hours:d} hours" return f"{hours:d} hours and {minutes:d} minutes"
INVALID_VERSION_EXCEPTION = 'version %s in not in format "x.y.z" or "x.y.z-{beta,alpha,rc1,rc2...}" for example "1.2.2"'
[docs]def version2tuple(version): vsplit = version.split("-") if len(vsplit) == 2: main, sub = vsplit if sub == "alpha": sub_int = -1 elif sub == "beta": sub_int = 0 elif sub.startswith("rc"): sub_int = int(sub[2:]) else: raise ValueError(INVALID_VERSION_EXCEPTION % version) elif len(vsplit) == 1: main = vsplit[0] sub_int = sys.maxsize else: raise ValueError(INVALID_VERSION_EXCEPTION % version) response = [int(el) for el in main.split(".")] response.append(sub_int) if len(response) != 4: raise ValueError(INVALID_VERSION_EXCEPTION % version) return tuple(response)
REMOVE_EOL = re.compile(r"\n") REINSERT_EOLS = re.compile(r"</p>|</li>|<br/>", re.I) ZAP_TAGS = re.compile(r"<[^>]+>")
[docs]def rate_limited(min_interval): """ decorator to rate limit a function. :param min_interval: minimum interval allowed between 2 consecutive calls. :return: the decorated function """ def decorate(func): last_time_called = [0.0] def rate_limited_function(*args, **kargs): elapsed = time.time() - last_time_called[0] log.debug("Elapsed %f since last call", elapsed) left_to_wait = min_interval - elapsed if left_to_wait > 0: log.debug("Wait %f due to rate limiting...", left_to_wait) time.sleep(left_to_wait) ret = func(*args, **kargs) last_time_called[0] = time.time() return ret return rate_limited_function return decorate
[docs]def split_string_after(str_, n): """Yield chunks of length `n` from the given string :param n: length of the chunks. :param str_: the given string. """ for start in range(0, max(len(str_), 1), n): yield str_[start : start + n]
[docs]def find_roots(path: str, file_sig: str = "*.plug") -> List: """Collects all the paths from path recursively that contains files of type `file_sig`. :param path: a base path to walk from :param file_sig: the file pattern to look for :return: a list of paths """ roots = list() # you can have several .plug per directory. for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path, followlinks=True): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, file_sig): dir_to_add = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(root, filename)) relative = os.path.relpath( os.path.realpath(dir_to_add), os.path.realpath(path) ) for subelement in relative.split(os.path.sep): # if one of the element is just a relative construct, it is ok to continue inspecting it. if subelement in (".", ".."): continue # if it is an hidden directory or a python temp directory, just ignore it. if subelement.startswith(".") or subelement == "__pycache__": log.debug("Ignore %s.", dir_to_add) break else: roots.append(dir_to_add) return list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(roots))
[docs]def collect_roots(base_paths: List, file_sig: str = "*.plug") -> List: """Collects all the paths from base_paths recursively that contains files of type `file_sig`. :param base_paths: a list of base paths to walk from elements can be a string or a list/tuple of strings :param file_sig: the file pattern to look for :return: a list of paths """ result = list() for path_or_list in base_paths: if isinstance(path_or_list, (list, tuple)): result.extend(collect_roots(base_paths=path_or_list, file_sig=file_sig)) elif path_or_list is not None: result.extend(find_roots(path_or_list, file_sig)) return list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(result))
[docs]def global_restart(): """Restart the current process.""" python = sys.executable os.execl(python, python, *sys.argv)
[docs]def git_clone(url: str, path: str) -> None: """ Clones a repository from git url to path """ if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) repo = porcelain.clone(url, path) config = repo.get_config() config.set(("branch", "master"), "remote", "origin") config.set(("branch", "master"), "merge", "refs/heads/master") config.write_to_path()
[docs]def git_pull(repo_path: str) -> None: """ Does a git pull on a repository """ porcelain.pull(repo_path)
[docs]def git_tag_list(repo_path: str) -> List[str]: """ Lists git tags on a cloned repo """ porcelain.tag_list(repo_path)