Gitter Backend ============== This is a backend for `Gitter `_ for errbot. The source code is hosted on `github `_. .. image:: :width: 586px :height: 330px :scale: 75% :alt: Gitter backend screenshot Requirements ------------ - A github account to be used by the bot. - The client id and client secret, received when `authorising `_ the bot as gitter application or a personal access token. Installation ------------ Checkout the backend using git: .. code:: git checkout Edit errbot's configuration file (``) and set the backend and backend directory variables: .. code:: BACKEND = 'Gitter' BOT_EXTRA_BACKEND_DIR = '/path_to/backend' Authentication -------------- From there you have can either add an application or use a personal token from a user reserved to the bot. Adding an application, workflow for auth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. pip install bottle requests 2. execute the script: `./`` and it will guide you Adding as a real user ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. authenticate as the bot user (new incognito window helps ;) ) 2. go visit 3. use directly the token like this in you .. code:: BOT_IDENTITY = { 'token' : '54537fa855b9a7bbbbbbbbbc568ea7c069d8c34d' } Contributing ------------ 1. Fork it! 2. Create your feature branch: `git checkout -b my-new-feature`` 3. Commit your changes: ``git commit -am 'Add some feature'`` 4. Push to the branch: ``git push origin my-new-feature`` 5. Submit a pull request :D