Source code for errbot.repo_manager

import json
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import tarfile
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from os import path
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen

from import StoreMixin
from import StoragePluginBase

from .utils import ON_WINDOWS, git_clone, git_pull

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def human_name_for_git_url(url: str) -> str: # try to humanize the last part of the git url as much as we can s = url.split(":")[-1].split("/")[-2:] if s[-1].endswith(".git"): s[-1] = s[-1][:-4] return str("/".join(s))
INSTALLED_REPOS = "installed_repos" REPO_INDEXES_CHECK_INTERVAL = timedelta(hours=1) REPO_INDEX = "repo_index" LAST_UPDATE = "last_update" RepoEntry = namedtuple( "RepoEntry", "entry_name, name, python, repo, path, avatar_url, documentation" ) FIND_WORDS_RE = re.compile(r"(\w[\w']*\w|\w)")
[docs] class RepoException(Exception): pass
[docs] def makeEntry(repo_name: str, plugin_name: str, json_value: dict) -> RepoEntry: return RepoEntry( entry_name=repo_name, name=plugin_name, python=json_value["python"], repo=json_value["repo"], path=json_value["path"], avatar_url=json_value["avatar_url"], documentation=json_value["documentation"], )
[docs] def tokenizeJsonEntry(json_dict: dict) -> set: """ Returns all the words in a repo entry. """ search = " ".join((str(word) for word in json_dict.values())) return set(FIND_WORDS_RE.findall(search.lower()))
[docs] def which(program: str) -> Optional[str]: if ON_WINDOWS: program += ".exe" def is_exe(file_path): return os.path.isfile(file_path) and os.access(file_path, os.X_OK) fpath, fname = os.path.split(program) if fpath: if is_exe(program): return program else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file return None
[docs] def check_dependencies(req_path: Path) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Sequence[str]]: """This methods returns a pair of (message, packages missing). Or None, [] if everything is OK. """ log.debug("check dependencies of %s", req_path) # noinspection PyBroadException try: from pkg_resources import get_distribution missing_pkg = [] if not req_path.is_file(): log.debug("%s has no requirements.txt file", req_path) return None, missing_pkg with as f: for line in f: stripped = line.strip() # skip empty lines. if not stripped: continue # noinspection PyBroadException try: get_distribution(stripped) except Exception: missing_pkg.append(stripped) if missing_pkg: return ( f"You need these dependencies for {req_path}: " + ",".join(missing_pkg), missing_pkg, ) return None, missing_pkg except Exception: log.exception("Problem checking for dependencies.") return ( "You need to have setuptools installed for the dependency check of the plugins", [], )
[docs] class BotRepoManager(StoreMixin): """ Manages the repo list, git clones/updates or the repos. """
[docs] def __init__( self, storage_plugin: StoragePluginBase, plugin_dir: str, plugin_indexes: Tuple[str, ...], ) -> None: """ Make a repo manager. :param storage_plugin: where the manager store its state. :param plugin_dir: where on disk it will git clone the repos. :param plugin_indexes: a list of URL / path to get the json repo index. """ super().__init__() self.plugin_indexes = plugin_indexes self.storage_plugin = storage_plugin self.plugin_dir = plugin_dir self.open_storage(storage_plugin, "repomgr")
[docs] def shutdown(self) -> None: self.close_storage()
[docs] def check_for_index_update(self) -> None: if REPO_INDEX not in self:"No repo index, creating it.") self.index_update() return if ( datetime.fromtimestamp(self[REPO_INDEX][LAST_UPDATE]) < - REPO_INDEXES_CHECK_INTERVAL ):"Index is too old, update it.") self.index_update()
[docs] def index_update(self) -> None: index = {LAST_UPDATE:} for source in reversed(self.plugin_indexes): try: if urlparse(source).scheme in ("http", "https"): req = Request(source, headers={"User-Agent": "Errbot"}) with urlopen(url=req, timeout=10) as request: # nosec log.debug("Update from remote source %s...", source) encoding = request.headers.get_content_charset() content = encoding if encoding else "utf-8" ) else: with open(source, encoding="utf-8", mode="r") as src_file: log.debug("Update from local source %s...", source) content = index.update(json.loads(content)) except (HTTPError, URLError, IOError): log.exception( "Could not update from source %s, keep the index as it is.", source ) break else: # nothing failed so ok, we can store the index. self[REPO_INDEX] = index log.debug("Stored %d repo entries.", len(index) - 1)
[docs] def get_repo_from_index(self, repo_name: str) -> List[RepoEntry]: """ Retrieve the list of plugins for the repo_name from the index. :param repo_name: the name of the repo :return: a list of RepoEntry """ plugins = self[REPO_INDEX].get(repo_name, None) if plugins is None: return None result = [] for name, plugin in plugins.items(): result.append(makeEntry(repo_name, name, plugin)) return result
[docs] def search_repos(self, query: str) -> Generator[RepoEntry, None, None]: """ A simple search feature, keywords are AND and case insensitive on all the fields. :param query: a string query :return: an iterator of RepoEntry """ # first see if we are up to date. self.check_for_index_update() if REPO_INDEX not in self: log.error("No index.") return query_work_set = set(FIND_WORDS_RE.findall(query.lower())) for repo_name, plugins in self[REPO_INDEX].items(): if repo_name == LAST_UPDATE: continue for plugin_name, plugin in plugins.items(): if query_work_set.intersection(tokenizeJsonEntry(plugin)): yield makeEntry(repo_name, plugin_name, plugin)
[docs] def get_installed_plugin_repos(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return self.get(INSTALLED_REPOS, {})
[docs] def add_plugin_repo(self, name: str, url: str) -> None: with self.mutable(INSTALLED_REPOS, {}) as repos: repos[name] = url
[docs] def set_plugin_repos(self, repos: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Used externally.""" self[INSTALLED_REPOS] = repos
[docs] def get_all_repos_paths(self) -> List[str]: return [ os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, d) for d in self.get(INSTALLED_REPOS, {}).keys() ]
[docs] def install_repo(self, repo: str) -> str: """ Install the repository from repo :param repo: The url, git url or path on disk of a repository. It can point to either a git repo or a .tar.gz of a plugin :returns: The path on disk where the repo has been installed on. :raises: :class:`~RepoException` if an error occured. """ self.check_for_index_update() human_name = None # try to find if we have something with that name in our index if repo in self[REPO_INDEX]: human_name = repo repo_url = next(iter(self[REPO_INDEX][repo].values()))["repo"] elif not repo.endswith("tar.gz"): # This is a repo url, make up a plugin definition for it human_name = human_name_for_git_url(repo) repo_url = repo else: repo_url = repo # TODO: Update download path of plugin. if repo_url.endswith("tar.gz"): fo = urlopen(repo_url) # nosec tar =, mode="r:gz") tar.extractall(path=self.plugin_dir) s = repo_url.split(":")[-1].split("/")[-1] human_name = s[: -len(".tar.gz")] else: human_name = human_name or human_name_for_git_url(repo_url) try: git_clone(repo_url, os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, human_name)) except ( Exception ) as exception: # dulwich errors all base on exceptions.Exception raise RepoException( f"Could not load this plugin: \n\n{repo_url}\n\n---\n\n{exception}" ) self.add_plugin_repo(human_name, repo_url) return os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, human_name)
[docs] def update_repos(self, repos) -> Generator[Tuple[str, int, str], None, None]: """ This git pulls the specified repos on disk. Yields tuples like (name, success, reason) """ # protects for update outside of what we know is installed names = set(self.get_installed_plugin_repos().keys()).intersection(set(repos)) for d in (path.join(self.plugin_dir, name) for name in names): success = False try: git_pull(d) feedback = "Pulled remote" success = True except Exception as exception: feedback = f"Error pulling remote {exception}" pass dep_err, missing_pkgs = check_dependencies(Path(d) / "requirements.txt") if dep_err: feedback += dep_err + "\n" yield d, success, feedback
[docs] def update_all_repos(self) -> Generator[Tuple[str, int, str], None, None]: return self.update_repos(self.get_installed_plugin_repos().keys())
[docs] def uninstall_repo(self, name: str) -> None: repo_path = path.join(self.plugin_dir, name) # ignore errors because the DB can be desync'ed from the file tree. shutil.rmtree(repo_path, ignore_errors=True) repos = self.get_installed_plugin_repos() del repos[name] self.set_plugin_repos(repos)