Source code for errbot.core_plugins.plugins

import logging
import os
import shutil
from ast import literal_eval
from pprint import pformat

from errbot import BotPlugin, botcmd
from errbot.plugin_manager import (
from errbot.repo_manager import RepoException

[docs] class Plugins(BotPlugin):
[docs] @botcmd(admin_only=True) def repos_install(self, _, args): """install a plugin repository from the given source or a known public repo (see !repos to find those). for example from a known repo: !install err-codebot for example a git url: or an url towards an archive: """ args = args.strip() if not args: yield 'Please specify a repository listed in "!repos" or "give me the URL to a git repository that I should clone for you."' return try: yield f"Installing {args}..." local_path = self._bot.repo_manager.install_repo(args) errors = self._bot.plugin_manager.update_plugin_places( self._bot.repo_manager.get_all_repos_paths() ) if errors: v = "\n".join(errors.values()) yield f"Some plugins are generating errors:\n{v}." # if the load of the plugin failed, uninstall cleanly teh repo for path in errors.keys(): if str(path).startswith(local_path): yield f"Removing {local_path} as it did not load correctly." shutil.rmtree(local_path) else: yield f"A new plugin repository has been installed correctly from {args}. Refreshing the plugins commands..." loading_errors = self._bot.plugin_manager.activate_non_started_plugins() if loading_errors: yield loading_errors yield "Plugins reloaded." except RepoException as re: yield f"Error installing the repo: {re}"
[docs] @botcmd(admin_only=True) def repos_uninstall(self, _, repo_name): """uninstall a plugin repository by name.""" if not repo_name.strip(): yield "You should have a repo name as argument" return repos = self._bot.repo_manager.get_installed_plugin_repos() if repo_name not in repos: yield f"This repo is not installed check with {self._bot.prefix}repos the list of installed ones" return plugin_path = os.path.join(self._bot.repo_manager.plugin_dir, repo_name) self._bot.plugin_manager.remove_plugins_from_path(plugin_path) self._bot.repo_manager.uninstall_repo(repo_name) yield f"Repo {repo_name} removed."
[docs] @botcmd(template="repos") def repos(self, _, args): """list the current active plugin repositories""" installed_repos = self._bot.repo_manager.get_installed_plugin_repos() all_names = [name for name in installed_repos] repos = {"repos": []} for repo_name in all_names: installed = False if repo_name in installed_repos: installed = True from_index = self._bot.repo_manager.get_repo_from_index(repo_name) if from_index is not None: description = "\n".join( (f"{}: {plug.documentation}" for plug in from_index) ) else: description = "No description." # installed, public, name, desc repos["repos"].append( (installed, from_index is not None, repo_name, description) ) return repos
[docs] @botcmd(split_args_with=" ", admin_only=True) def repos_update(self, _, args): """update the bot and/or plugins use: !repos update all to update everything or: !repos update repo_name repo_name ... to update selectively some repos """ if "all" in args: results = self._bot.repo_manager.update_all_repos() else: results = self._bot.repo_manager.update_repos(args) yield "Start updating ... " for d, success, feedback in results: if success: yield f"Update of {d} succeeded...\n\n{feedback}\n\n" for plugin in self._bot.plugin_manager.get_plugins_by_path(d): if hasattr(plugin, "is_activated") and plugin.is_activated: name = yield f"/me is reloading plugin {name}" try: self._bot.plugin_manager.reload_plugin_by_name( yield f"Plugin {} reloaded." except PluginActivationException as pae: yield f"Error reactivating plugin {}: {pae}" else: yield f"Update of {d} failed...\n\n{feedback}" yield "Done."
[docs] @botcmd(split_args_with=" ", admin_only=True) def plugin_config(self, _, args): """configure or get the configuration / configuration template for a specific plugin ie. !plugin config ExampleBot could return a template if it is not configured: {'LOGIN': '', 'PASSWORD': 'password', 'DIRECTORY': '/toto'} Copy paste, adapt so can configure the plugin: !plugin config ExampleBot {'LOGIN': '', 'PASSWORD': 'myrealpassword', 'DIRECTORY': '/tmp'} It will then reload the plugin with this config. You can at any moment retrieve the current values: !plugin config ExampleBot should return: {'LOGIN': '', 'PASSWORD': 'myrealpassword', 'DIRECTORY': '/tmp'} """ plugin_name = args[0] if self._bot.plugin_manager.is_plugin_blacklisted(plugin_name): return f"Load this plugin first with {self._bot.prefix} load {plugin_name}." obj = self._bot.plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name(plugin_name) if obj is None: return f"Unknown plugin or the plugin could not load {plugin_name}." template_obj = obj.get_configuration_template() if template_obj is None: return "This plugin is not configurable." if len(args) == 1: response = ( f"Default configuration for this plugin (you can copy and paste this directly as a command):" f"\n\n```\n{self._bot.prefix}plugin config {plugin_name} {pformat(template_obj)}\n```" ) current_config = self._bot.plugin_manager.get_plugin_configuration( plugin_name ) if current_config: response += ( f"\n\nCurrent configuration:\n\n```\n{self._bot.prefix}plugin config {plugin_name} " f"{pformat(current_config)}\n```" ) return response # noinspection PyBroadException try: real_config_obj = literal_eval(" ".join(args[1:])) except Exception: self.log.exception("Invalid expression for the configuration of the plugin") return "Syntax error in the given configuration" if type(real_config_obj) != type(template_obj): return "It looks fishy, your config type is not the same as the template!" self._bot.plugin_manager.set_plugin_configuration(plugin_name, real_config_obj) try: self._bot.plugin_manager.deactivate_plugin(plugin_name) except PluginActivationException as pae: return f"Error deactivating {plugin_name}: {pae}." try: self._bot.plugin_manager.activate_plugin(plugin_name) except PluginConfigurationException as ce: self.log.debug( "Invalid configuration for the plugin, reverting the plugin to unconfigured." ) self._bot.plugin_manager.set_plugin_configuration(plugin_name, None) return f"Incorrect plugin configuration: {ce}." except PluginActivationException as pae: return f"Error activating plugin: {pae}." return "Plugin configuration done."
[docs] def formatted_plugin_list(self, active_only=True): """ Return a formatted, plain-text list of loaded plugins. When active_only=True, this will only return plugins which are actually active. Otherwise, it will also include inactive (blacklisted) plugins. """ if active_only: all_plugins = self._bot.plugin_manager.get_all_active_plugin_names() else: all_plugins = self._bot.plugin_manager.get_all_plugin_names() return "\n".join(("- " + plugin for plugin in all_plugins))
[docs] @botcmd(admin_only=True) def plugin_reload(self, _, args): """reload a plugin: reload the code of the plugin leaving the activation status intact.""" name = args.strip() if not name: yield ( f"Please tell me which of the following plugins to reload:\n" f"{self.formatted_plugin_list(active_only=False)}" ) return if name not in self._bot.plugin_manager.get_all_plugin_names(): yield ( f"{name} isn't a valid plugin name. " f"The current plugins are:\n{self.formatted_plugin_list(active_only=False)}" ) return if name not in self._bot.plugin_manager.get_all_active_plugin_names(): answer = f"Warning: plugin {name} is currently not activated. " answer += f"Use `{self._bot.prefix}plugin activate {name}` to activate it." yield answer try: self._bot.plugin_manager.reload_plugin_by_name(name) yield f"Plugin {name} reloaded." except PluginActivationException as pae: yield f"Error activating plugin {name}: {pae}."
[docs] @botcmd(admin_only=True) def plugin_activate(self, _, args): """activate a plugin. [calls .activate() on the plugin]""" args = args.strip() if not args: return ( f"Please tell me which of the following plugins to activate:\n" f"{self.formatted_plugin_list(active_only=False)}" ) if args not in self._bot.plugin_manager.get_all_plugin_names(): return ( f"{args} isn't a valid plugin name. The current plugins are:\n" f"{self.formatted_plugin_list(active_only=False)}" ) if args in self._bot.plugin_manager.get_all_active_plugin_names(): return f"{args} is already activated." try: self._bot.plugin_manager.activate_plugin(args) except PluginActivationException as pae: return f"Error activating plugin: {pae}" return f"Plugin {args} activated."
[docs] @botcmd(admin_only=True) def plugin_deactivate(self, _, args): """deactivate a plugin. [calls .deactivate on the plugin]""" args = args.strip() if not args: return ( f"Please tell me which of the following plugins to deactivate:\n" f"{self.formatted_plugin_list(active_only=False)}" ) if args not in self._bot.plugin_manager.get_all_plugin_names(): return ( f"{args} isn't a valid plugin name. The current plugins are:\n" f"{self.formatted_plugin_list(active_only=False)}" ) if args not in self._bot.plugin_manager.get_all_active_plugin_names(): return f"{args} is already deactivated." try: self._bot.plugin_manager.deactivate_plugin(args) except PluginActivationException as pae: return f"Error deactivating {args}: {pae}" return f"Plugin {args} deactivated."
[docs] @botcmd(admin_only=True) def plugin_blacklist(self, _, args): """Blacklist a plugin so that it will not be loaded automatically during bot startup. If the plugin is currently activated, it will deactiveate it first.""" if args not in self._bot.plugin_manager.get_all_plugin_names(): return ( f"{args} isn't a valid plugin name. The current plugins are:\n" f"{self.formatted_plugin_list(active_only=False)}" ) if args in self._bot.plugin_manager.get_all_active_plugin_names(): try: self._bot.plugin_manager.deactivate_plugin(args) except PluginActivationException as pae: return f"Error deactivating {args}: {pae}." return self._bot.plugin_manager.blacklist_plugin(args)
[docs] @botcmd(admin_only=True) def plugin_unblacklist(self, _, args): """Remove a plugin from the blacklist""" if args not in self._bot.plugin_manager.get_all_plugin_names(): return ( f"{args} isn't a valid plugin name. The current plugins are:\n" f"{self.formatted_plugin_list(active_only=False)}" ) if args not in self._bot.plugin_manager.get_all_active_plugin_names(): try: self._bot.plugin_manager.activate_plugin(args) except PluginActivationException as pae: return f"Error activating plugin: {pae}" return self._bot.plugin_manager.unblacklist_plugin(args)
[docs] @botcmd(admin_only=True, template="plugin_info") def plugin_info(self, _, args): """Gives you a more technical information about a specific plugin.""" pm = self._bot.plugin_manager if args not in pm.get_all_plugin_names(): return ( f"{args} isn't a valid plugin name. The current plugins are:\n" f"{self.formatted_plugin_list(active_only=False)}" ) return { "plugin_info": pm.plugin_infos[args], "plugin": pm.plugins[args], "logging": logging, }